Ultima Bilge Pump
UltimaBilge Pumps are the latest addition to the Johnson Pump brand lineup. Integration of the Ultima "field effect" sensing technology into the bilge pump body creates a sleek, reliable and compact unit with integrated switch ready to install and run for years and years of unerring service. Available in 600-800-1000-1250 GPH versions. Voltage 12 V DC. For UltimaBilge 600 GPH-1000 GPH, we have easy-to-install Dura-Port discharge ports to eliminate stress cracking caused by over-tightened hose clamps. These pumps will be delivered including both a straight and a 90 degree smooth elbow Dura-Port.
All version are delivered with a removable check valve.
The Ultima Bilge pumps may be manually operated via the Johnson Pump bilge control panel.
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