Gear Up For Sailfish Season

Oct 14, 2020

It's 5 am and still dark out, the wind is ripping through the palm trees, and it's a little chilly. This is a typical winter morning in South Florida during a cold front. It's sailfish season and your tackle is ready to go. You jump on the boat and transfer bait to your livewell or head out to the inlet to meet the bait guy. You flip on the bait well switch and nada... or maybe it works and you can't find the drain plug

Whether you're on a sportfish or a center console boat, the game is the same. Are you and your boat ready for sailfish season? 

There are two priorities when sailfishing:  

1. Keep the bait alive and well. 

2. Keep yourself and your stuff dry. The good news is the bite can be amazing close to shore some days and you only have to run up and down the beach instead of going miles offshore. The bad news... it's usually rough as hell and sometimes cold when they're biting. You, the boat, and all your stuff gets drenched with salt water.

So, what do you need to do to prepare? First, make sure everything on the boat works for the season. We have created a live bait season collection that should help with that. But, sometimes things fail even when you've checked them ahead of time. Here are some ideas on how to prevent that to make things a little easier so you can still get out there if things fail the morning of. 

First, carry spares. Most people immediately think about tackle and the boat gets neglected. Baitwell pump, baitwell drain plugs, bait nets, and a backup navigation light are high on our list. Usually when things fail it's dark and/or cold, so put them in a place that's easy to get to!

Plug and play - You’ve heard the term. It’s all about making things quick and easy. A simple plan to help speed up the process of changing out live well pumps is having them installed in the boat with a plug on the wires. A plug on the one in the boat and a plug pre installed on your spare with maybe an extra hose clamp already on the pump makes for a fast pump change. No cuts, crimps, and heat shrink necessary. We also suggest an emergency crash pump in case you start taking on water when it's sporty out there. Check out our custom built crash pump with a reel outlet plug.

So everything on the boat is working and before you know it, you're headed offshore out of the inlet. First wave comes over the bow and you and your gear are drenched! It's bound to happen. That leads us to step two - Make sure you're geared up. There are a lot of options out there these days for waterproof bags. We hand selected a few of our favorites for you. Shop for these and more in our in our Sailfish Season Collection.  Whether going out on your own boat or your buddies - stay dry my friends and good luck this season.


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